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Kaleidoscope Application

Completed forms are to be returned to Ms. Alison Filosa at or your child's homeroom teacher.

Information about Enrichment Opportunities can be found at the bottom on this page.

Ms. Filosa may be reached at (843) 518-7955 for all questions and/or concerns.

Additional information can be found on the CCSD Kaleidoscope page.


I wanted to let you know that registration for Spring 2024 Parent Paid Enrichment will run from 2/14/2024 to 2/27/2024.   Forms are found below.
Classes are scheduled to operate from March 11 - April 25, on a once-a-week basis, at the usual time frame of 3:15-4:15 PM, provided this still suits the overall school activity schedule. 
The 4 offerings for Spring Enrichment are as follows: 
Mondays= Youth Chess 
Tuesdays= Wings Basketball Academy (3rd-5th graders)
Wednesdays= Cainhoy Soccer Athletic Club (3rd-5th graders)
Thursdays= We Pickle Charleston (Pickleball for 3rd-5th graders)
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