Kaleidoscope Application
Completed forms are to be returned to Ms. Alison Filosa at alison_filosa@charleston.k12.sc.us or your child's homeroom teacher.
Information about Enrichment Opportunities can be found at the bottom on this page.
Ms. Filosa may be reached at (843) 518-7955 for all questions and/or concerns.
Additional information can be found on the CCSD Kaleidoscope page.
I wanted to let you know that registration for Spring 2024 Parent Paid Enrichment will run from 2/14/2024 to 2/27/2024. Forms are found below.
Classes are scheduled to operate from March 11 - April 25, on a once-a-week basis, at the usual time frame of 3:15-4:15 PM, provided this still suits the overall school activity schedule.
The 4 offerings for Spring Enrichment are as follows:
Mondays= Youth Chess
Tuesdays= Wings Basketball Academy (3rd-5th graders)
Wednesdays= Cainhoy Soccer Athletic Club (3rd-5th graders)
Thursdays= We Pickle Charleston (Pickleball for 3rd-5th graders)
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